Wellness Calendar: Wednesday 1 May

Thinking, feeling and actions

Thinking, feeling and actions.
Feeling, thinking and actions.
Actions, feelings and thinking.
Day in, day out: without stopping for a break.

Considering this, it could be worth taking the time to understand more about these three aspects of ourselves. For example: how do these components interact with each other? How do they rub up against the outside world? Where do our thoughts and emotions come from? What triggers an action? What are the mechanics of having an action?

What might also be useful for our wellness is to determine if we’re happy with the balance of these three parts of ourselves in our day-to-day life.

For this reason, we now invite you to undertake a quick exercise…

Draw a circle. This circle represents you as a whole. Now divide yourself up into three slices, giving each slice an initial: (T) thinking, (F) feeling, (A) actions. Are each of these slices equal, or do you tend to spend more time with one than another?

Once you’ve completed your carved-up circle, you may then wish to draw another circle with the slices aligned to how you would like to be rather than how you actually are. So, for example, if you’d like to have more feeling in your life than you currently have, the new circle would reflect this. If this exercise motivates you to want to mix up the times you spend in your head, in your heart and in doing stuff, then all good and well.