Wellness Calendar: Tuesday 20 February

Balancing structure and spontaneity

Structure: order, arrangement, plan, form, framework.
Spontaneous: on sudden impulse, unprompted, unplanned, going with the flow.

Are you a creature of habit? Do you find comfort in regularity and routine? Or do you go wherever the mood takes you?

Is it fair to say that having one without the other can lead us to some pretty dark places? Such as chaos, dullness, burnout, addictions, risky behaviour, control-freakery, irresponsibility, oppression, dysfunction.

Taking a step back for a moment, with a lens as wide open as possible, how would you respond to the following questions…

Are you okay with how your life is panning out?
Do you have the flexibility to switch parts of your persona off and on – or are you stuck in one gear, one dimension?
Is there a side of you that you repress, or haven’t explored?

If you need permission to discover more parts of you within the continuum of structure and spontaneity – you got it!