Wellness Calendar: Friday 8 August


Bodywork can not only help to release stresses and distresses, it can also improve posture and energy levels as well as bringing the mind and the body closer together.

There are therapeutic interventions that specifically concentrate on the senses, the nervous system and the memory in order to aid recovery and wellness. Another name to describe these interventions and techniques is ‘psychosensory therapies.’ Some of them work by bringing traumatic memories to the forefront of the mind, where they can then be safely processed and the impact lessened, while others use the senses of the body to rebalance the neurochemical activity within the brain.

Below is an incomplete list of bodywork practices for you to investigate further if you so wish.

Alexander technique. Visceral manipulation. Feldenkrais method. Hydrotherapy. Ortho-bionomy. Polarity therapy. Deep-tissue massage. Pranic healing. Iridology. Craniosacral therapy. Bowen therapy. Rosen method. Aston-Patterning. Breema. Biofeedback. Trager work. Gua sha. One Light Healing Touch. Neuro-muscular re-programming. Connective tissue massage. Flotation re-patterning. Watsu. Lymphatic massage. Marma therapy. Myofascial release. Jin Shin Jyutsu. Qigong. Lomi work. Rolfing. Reiki. Reflexology. Amanae. Hellerwork. Breath perception. Trigger point therapy. Soft tissue release. Swedish massage. Bioenergy. Aromatherapy. Hypnotherapy. Thai massage. Acupressure. Acupuncture. Hot-stone massage. Oncology massage.

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