Wellness Calendar - April

A warm welcome to one and all. Welcome to your own wellness calendar. This is designed to be used in an interactive and self-directed fashion: where you get to choose which nuggets of information are worth developing, which are worth applying to your own life, to your own unique circumstances.

There is no right or wrong way to use this calendar. Please navigate around it, pick and mixing as you see fit - in your own space, in your own time.

Here's wishing you greater resilience, fulfilment and contentment for the coming year.

January aims to lay the foundations for you to create your own wellness landscape: the knowledge, the skills, the tools, to make a start. February moves into ways for us to better cope with all the craziness that goes on around us. March is devoted to our self, while April looks at our relationships. In May we enter into the internal world of feeling and thought and bodily sensations, while in June we explore what it means to be a citizen, alongside the notion of universal wellness. July is all about being creative and expressive, whereas August focuses on somatics, the relationship between body and mind, with plenty of suggested exercises and activities. September is solely about ways in which we can empower ourselves, while October is reserved for the art of self-directed learning (learning for ourselves and no one else). Meanwhile in November we take a look at how spirituality may be of use to us. And finally, December is all about reflecting on the past year and seeing how all of the information we have gathered around (our) wellness can be pieced together for the benefit of our future self. Here we will also be exploring some long-term projects you may wish to embark on in order to future-proof your wellness.

Self Detective is an offshoot of Community Counselling Cooperative, a therapeutic organisation based in Newcastle Upon Tyne. Our mission is to encourage people to become empowered through self-directed learning and by being wellness-focused. We believe that if people can improve the quality of their own lives they indirectly improve the lives of those around them, too.

I am the one I have been waiting for.
We are the ones we have been waiting for.

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