Using Aliens

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Starting Up Your Own Self Detective Agency
Part 11 - Using Aliens

Using aliens as a way to help understand yourself

The idea of using aliens within SD is a simple one: aliens aren’t human, so they can be an interesting tool to bounce ideas off. They are the opposite of an echo chamber. They are neutral. They do not have a vested interest in us as humans or our situations. They are not compromised or corrupted by our world.

Using an all-seeing, all-knowing alien race to help you explore yourself

Imagine there is an alien race, renowned for their intelligence (in matters of the head and heart), famed for their ability to be all-seeing and all-knowing (in the past and in the present moment), championed for their impartiality, their honesty and their absence of dominating over any other being.

Imagine that this alien race has a duty of care to all the citizens of the galaxy: a pledge to improve the well-being of all their fellow planetary inhabitants.

Now, get this: once a year, for a week, a delegation of 1,000 of these aliens come to Earth and visit 100,000 humans who have put their names into a world-wide lottery in the hope of spending just one hour with one alien.

As it happens, YOU are one of those lucky people whose name was pulled out of the hat.

The date and time for your ‘session’ with the alien has come… and you find yourself in a pleasant, private room with a large, framed mirror on the wall.

You are told that because the alien’s appearance is far removed from your own, it will take on the form of your reflected image.

You sit down in front of this mirror and allow the alien to explore your inner workings, which include all your thoughts and feelings, all your desires, your hopes, your fears, and all of your pains and hurts.

During this time, you get to ask the alien any question at all, and in return your reflected self will give you an answer.
What questions would you most like to ask the alien in the hour
that you have?
What answers did you get back from the all-knowing, all-seeing alien?
What question(s) would you least like to ask (but which would be very useful to ask nonetheless)?
What answers did you get back from the all-knowing, all-seeing alien?
In what ways do you think having this one hour with this alien might change you?
If you got something out of this particular exercise, you may wish to explore this avenue of self-reflection further.

Having an alien as your SD assistant

Imagine one day you meet an alien.

Where you meet the alien and what the alien looks like is not important (nor is where they come from, what their planet looks like, how they eat, or indeed what you decide to call them).

What is important is that the alien is willing to become an assistant to your SD (if you want them to). They know nothing about how human beings tick, so everything they ask you will have to be answered very carefully, otherwise they will not understand what you are saying.

They will be interested in things that you might take for granted, or things that you’ve never truly thought about for any length of time.

So, our questions to you right now is: what questions might your assistant alien ask that would elicit an interesting answer from you?
Below are some examples of alien questions that you may wish to answer:

What is love?
What is pain?
What is trust?
How do you trust (someone or something)?
How do you not trust?
What is honesty?
What happens when you find out someone is being dishonest?
What is justice?
What is injustice?
What is your understanding of life?
How do you know when you are happy?
How do you know when you are sad?
What is power?
How much power do you think you have?
What is being uncertain like?
What is being certain like?

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