Wellness Calendar: Sunday 1 June

A world already spinning
We were born into a world that has already been spinning for a long time. As we grew up, we might have assumed that living in the 21st century would be a pretty cool time period, since the world has had a good, long chance to sort itself out. How disappointing it is for us as citizens to realise that the general dysfunctionality of the world is as great now as it was in past, riddled with hostilities, power imbalances, inequalities, wars and conflicts, alongside mental health problems on an epic scale.
When it comes to our collective well-being, how do you view it? How do you make sense of it? How much of an appetite do we have to be a force for good in our communities? And if we do, do we even know where to start?
All the entries in the month of June will be looking to discover what works for shared wellness and what doesn’t; how we can make a difference and how we might be part of the problem. There’s no right or wrong way to do this: we are simply throwing ideas up into the air and seeing if any of them might be useful to explore. Hopefully, as well as supporting you in this endeavour we can tentatively challenge some of your assumptions along the way.
Let’s start with a few warm-up questions.
Do you see yourself as a citizen of this world? Are you invested in your society? Do you care about other people in your community? Are you passive or active when it comes to some of the issues humanity faces? Do these issues enliven you or depress you, engage you or bore you? What do you make of the following quote?
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”
Margaret Mead