Wellness Calendar: Tuesday 10 December

The tenth revolution

[Changing our mindset; endless possibilities; acting on our knowing; threads of inquiry; going on a mission]

If we can change our mindset, we can change our thoughts and the way we think. We can change the way we feel, we can be different, act different and view the world differently. We can seek further knowledge that sends us along new pathways, following new threads of inquiry. The possibilities of where we can go from our initial knowing are endless. And remember: this has nothing to do with the everyday world around us, which is not interested in us having seismic personal and life-changing insights.

The tenth revolution could be to start working out what we can do with our knowing. What aspects of ourselves and our life are we going to explore? What further revolutionary paths are we going to go down? Here are some examples from past revolutionaries…

• Overthrowing that which is no longer of use and replacing it with a new way of being.
• Making dramatic and far-reaching changes.
• Speeding up evolution, because life is too precious to wait for wellness, or to wait for other people to hand it to us.
• Learning to trust ourselves, learning to know ourselves, learning to understand ourselves.
• Unlearning that which is unhelpful and learning (or learning to learn) what is helpful to us.
• Finding the skills and the tools that will further revolutionise our lives.
• Letting go of that which we do not want and treasuring that which is dear to us.
• Taking control of our situation; learning to self-regulate.
• Questioning; questioning the world and your role within it; seeking what works rather than what exists.
• Being part of a solution rather than a problem.
• Finding ways to heal and recover from that which a dysfunctional and dysregulated world throws at us.
• Liberating ourselves from hostilities and insanities and finding safe, nurturing like-minded spaces within the world.
• Wholeheartedly investing and involving ourselves in our own well-being, personal growth, self-awareness, self-empowerment, self-improvement (call it what you will).
• Making gains (big and small) to improve the quality of our lives.
• Developing and designing a wellness-focused way of living that can last throughout our entire life.
• Future-proofing our wellness, because prevention is so much more effective than correction.

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