Wellness Calendar: Tuesday 10 June

Cucumbers and grapes
Frans De Waal is a professor of primate behaviour who discovered that animals object to inequality and unfairness. One of the most immediate and accessible parts of his studies is to watch a recorded clip of a capuchin monkey disgustedly throwing a piece of cucumber back at a human who has unfairly given a grape to a fellow monkey as a reward for completing exactly the same task.
If these monkeys don’t like unfairness and inequality – nor dogs or hens or horses in follow-up studies – then what on earth are we doing with hierarchies that are rife in every aspect of our own human societies? If we wanted to throw a blanket of misery across the world, surely we couldn’t do much better than giving different people different powers and different payments for their efforts?
Can you imagine a world that’s equal, equitable and fair? Where might you fit into this particular issue?