Wellness Calendar: Tuesday 12 March

Self-honesty vs dishonest honesty

Honesty: free of deceit.
Deceit: concealing the truth.
Other words around honesty include: sincerity, frankness, goodness, decency.

The trouble with honesty is that, while it is often flagged up as an important virtue, it doesn’t make sense. It contradicts itself and is completely hypocritical. Here comes a playful challenge to all those who hold the notion of honesty dear…

(1.) When we are young we are expected to behave in a certain way by our parents, teachers, siblings and peers. We are taught to please people in order to gain acceptance.
(2.) If we fail to behave in the ways that others want us to, we fail to gain their acceptance. The signs that we have failed can be subtle, like a raised eyebrow of disapproval, or unmistakable, like being shouted at or beaten. Either way, the pain of being rejected is a tough one to bear, and the message is clear: being 100% yourself, being 100% honest is not acceptable.
(3.) It then follows that we learn to adapt and modify our behaviour. We learn how to pretend, and in so doing we are learning how to be dishonest (with ourselves) in order to please others.
(4.) At some point in our lives we are told about the importance of being honest (usually by the same people who taught us how to be dishonest) – especially with them! Only they don’t mean honest (as in 100% honest); they mean a type of honesty that is acceptable to them.
(5.) Because everyone has a different take on the notion of honesty, we grow up expected to be dishonestly-honest (or honestly-dishonest) in different ways for different people.
(6.) This is but one example of how we can end up in psychological trouble: we are asked to do something that doesn’t make sense, something that requires being in two different spaces at the same time (honest and dishonest).

Would it be worth our while separating honesty into two camps for the sake of our wellness: self-honesty and dishonest honesty? More importantly, what is your own take on honesty?

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