Wellness Calendar: Thursday 12 June

Faulty wormeries & wellness lenses

Mrs French was a keen gardener. One day she decided to buy herself a wormery. She thought this would benefit both her and the worms in her garden. The worms would eat her food waste and thrive in this new environment, and she’d get lots of lovely compost. What could be better?

Unfortunately, the wormery that Mrs French bought was either poorly designed or she’d set it up wrong, for when it rained, the worms slipped down to the bottom of the tank and drowned.

Reflecting upon this sorry episode, Mrs French realised that there’s a big difference between what exists and what works in practice. And unless something is seen to be working, it might instead be harmful.

Applying this rationale to aspects of society, what do you see in your current landscape as fit for purpose – and what isn’t?

Mrs French went on to devise her own way of seeing the world – through the lens of a wellness camera. This camera was an extension of her mind and was free to go anywhere it wanted: it could zoom out to get the widest possible perspective on an issue, just as it could zoom in for a close up. It could position itself wherever she wanted it to. She called it a wellness camera because whenever she viewed the world through its lens it she was always asking the same question: does this work for the wellness of myself and others? If it did she would accept and integrate it into her own world, if it didn’t she would move away from it.

What do you make of Mrs French’s wellness camera?

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