Wellness Calendar: Friday 14 February

Me-time treats
Are you someone who gives yourself treats freely, or do you have to fight yourself to earn the right? Either way, in those moments when treats are a necessity, they need to happen fast to avoid an internal meltdown.
As to what treat you might need, only you can say. Here are some (healthy) treats that other people have shared with us: Dance. Paint, draw, create. Soak in a bath. Swim. Gym. Read a book, newspaper or magazine. Meet a friend/friends. Take a walk. Immerse yourself in nature. Listen to music/sounds or create your own. Watch a film or TV programme. Listen to a radio programme/podcast/audiobook. Spend time with a pet/animal. Meditate. Offload your frustrations on someone who will listen without judgement. Plan, prepare and make a special meal. Write a letter to someone (or yourself). Switch off your phone and computer for a spell. Plan something you like/enjoy, either on your own or with friends/family. Go somewhere you have never been before.