Wellness Calendar: Thursday 15 May

Exploring our sensual self
You are no doubt pretty familiar with the five senses that help us to navigate through life: smell, touch, taste, sight and sound. Yet there are also believed to be another seven senses that are part of our lifelong survival toolkit: pain, balance, direction, time, temperature, motion, speed. And then there is intuition.
And maybe we have many more senses that we don’t as yet have the words to describe, alongside all sorts of receptors within our bodies that respond to all sorts of stimulations.
Which sense(s) you will use most will depend on such things as: where you are living, who you are as a biological, psychological and social person, what experiences you have had in life – and what your role is at any given time.
Would it be meaningful to explore your senses to work out how you might utilise them more, to get more out of your life?