Wellness Calendar: Tuesday 18 February

As a landlady in Bournemouth once said: “You’ve got to laugh, otherwise you get all confused”. But what is it about laughter that has the power to alter our mood and make our brains and bodies feel lighter?
If the act of laughing is good for you – and a lot of people think it is – could you make a conscious effort to do it more often? Could you actively find things that put you in that pleasurable state of convulsing with laughter?
It could involve setting time aside to see a funny film, or to watch a comedian, or listen to comedy on the radio. If you were more serious about laughter, it could become a matter of routine, either on your own or in a group of people.
One thing that may stop us from letting go of ourselves and giving in to laughter is self-consciousness or feeling silly for doing so. Nonetheless, if we don’t give it a try, how will we ever know its benefits?