Wellness Calendar: Monday 19 May

Dirty anger vs clean anger
Anger, just like any other emotion, is a useful clue to how we are at any given moment in time. If we don’t accept it as being a valid part of the human condition, two things are likely to happen: either we’ll explode like a volcano further down the line, or we’ll substitute it for another emotion (see racketeering): neither of which are particularly healthy.
Could we take the sting out of anger by separating it into two camps? Firstly, there is dirty anger. This is where the consequences of our actions – following a wave of wrath – get us into trouble. For example, shouting at someone, punching a wall and damaging our fist or landing ourselves in a fight.
Clean anger, on the other hand, has no such negative effects, as no one (including yourself) is harmed by your expression of anger. You have taken your rage, frustration or irritation out of the room and into another space. You have released your fury onto a pillow. a punch bag or a physical activity. You have gone to a forest and screamed like crazy. You have drawn your annoyance. You have found the words to explain your annoyance to others in a way that’s acceptable to those around you.
What do you make of this idea?