Wellness Calendar: Thursday 19 June

Living with uncertainty

What do you make of the following…

Life carries no guarantees. Delicious as it sounds, no one (Nostradamus included) has the super-human power to look into the future and say for sure what’s going to happen (unless they have insider information).

Yes, there are some things that are more likely to happen than others (such as day turning to night, night turning to day), but generally there are no givens and anyone who gambles does so at their own risk, their own disappointment.

If we hold and contain the concept that life brings with it no certainties, perhaps it frees us up to becoming less dependent on those who promise the earth, who claim to know the answers, and who give us the illusion of certainty (even if subconsciously we know there’s no such thing.)

If we can disengage with power-mongers who’ll say anything to hold sway, if we switch off when advertisers use wildly impossible persuasions, if we avoid gurus and messiahs, celebrities and influencers who seem to know what’s best for us even though they do not know us – then might we end up with a more healthy, independent and reality-based world? Who knows?

Would it be a useful task to work out what you fall prey to when it comes to the tempting falsehoods of the outside world?

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