Wellness Calendar: Sunday 2 November

Definitions of spirituality

How might you define spirituality for your own purposes?
Here are a few meanings collected from different sources. What do you make of them?

• Anything that affects the human spirit (the non-physical parts of us)
• The exploration of things non-material and non-physical
• Humanistic qualities such as love, compassion, forgiveness, harmony; a concern for others
• Inner peace
• A search for meaning (and purpose)
• Transcendence (moving beyond physical needs)
• Shared experiences of awe

As the words ‘spirit’ and ‘soul’ often come up alongside spirituality, it might be worth seeing how they’re perceived…

• The essence of something. The human spirit. A force within a human being that gives the body life, energy and power.
• The soul: the spiritual or non-material part of a body; or a person’s moral/emotional side.

Words connected to spirit and soul: the inner self; the innermost self; intensity; inspiration; passion.

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