Wellness Calendar: Tuesday 2 September

Empowerment: making a start

How might we break down the notion of empowerment so that it becomes something that’s practical and active for us as individuals and as part of a collective?

Could we look at it in a day-to-day kind of way, as a series of milestones leading to a liberation or a freedom, or as an ongoing process?
Could we define what we mean by empowerment and how this, in turn, can enable us to be defined by it?
Could we pursue empowerment through knowledge and self-directed learning?
Could the exploration of self-worth be a major part of our journey? Could this be extended to include self-care and self-love?
Could coping, recovery and healing be a part of the process? Can we even begin to embark on this topic without first creating a safe space for ourselves?
Could the pursuit of understanding ourselves also be the pursuit of empowerment?
Could empowerment be bound up with self-control?
Could empowerment be linked to being more active and proactive and less passive and reactive; to being more independent and less dependent? Could it centre around having a voice and using that voice?
Could empowerment be broken down into smaller zones or environments such as: the intrapersonal, the interpersonal, the cultural and the physical world? Or split up between our internal and external life, our thoughts, feelings and actions?

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