Wellness Calendar: Friday 21 February


The school of philosophy that started in ancient Greece has many aspects to it. The ones that we’re most interested in are the nuggets of wisdom that can help us move on in life, instead of getting bogged down by negativity and despair. Below are some pointers showing how stoicism can help us cope better in life.

A stoic person:
is calm even under pressure
knows when to fight battles and when to walk away
deals with the world as it is, rather than what it could be
needs very little to lead a contented life
lives every day as though it’s their last, because it could be
embraces failure as a learning experience
delights in the smaller details of life: the fact that there’s a roof over their head, some food in their belly, that they have clean, dry clothes

“If you want any good, get it from within.” Epictetus

A stoic person recognises that there’s no point in getting frustrated with themselves or with the outside world, nor is there anything to gain from grumbling or complaining. They know that we’re all doing the best that we can and if our best isn’t really good enough, then so be it: let it go.

We have shortened this notion to: Don’t get mizzy, get bizzy!

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