Wellness Calendar: Thursday 23 January

questions, questions, questions

A good question (to ask yourself) is worth its weight in gold. A good question can save you a lot of time on your wellness journey. A good question might be a challenging question, one you have avoided asking yourself for fear of the answer. A good question can come straight out of nowhere and knock you for six.

We can find out so much about ourselves by asking (and then answering) the questions that are right for to us at any moment in time. But before we even think about the answers, let us start with some questions. Here are random ones – although it would be far more useful for you to create your own personalised questions.

Who am I?
What is important to me in my life right now?
Do I need to say something to someone?
How can I improve the quality of my life?
What is missing from my life?
What location(s) give(s) me a sense of belonging?
What is the safest part of my body?

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