Wellness Calendar: Friday 25 July

Music and sound questions

What types of music do you enjoy?
What sounds do you enjoy?
Is there a common theme to your choice of music and sound? E.g., the pitch, the frequency, the rhythm?
Is there a musical instrument that you particularly like?
What type of voices/singers do you like?
What music do you not enjoy?
What sounds do you not enjoy?
Is there a common theme to your dislike of the music and sounds? E.g., the pitch, the frequency, the rhythm?
Is there a musical instrument that you dislike the sound of?
What type of voices/singers do you most dislike?
Do you reach for music when you’re upset?
Does (or could) music connect you to the world?
In relation to sound, what environment do you work best in?
What songs make you want to dance?
What songs would you choose for your own funeral?
Do songs need to have a meaning for you before you can engage with them?
How aware are you of everyday sounds?
Which sounds are you more aware of than others?
Are you likely to notice pleasant sounds or irritating sounds?

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