Wellness Calendar: Saturday 27 December

The twenty-seventh revolution
[Awareness of things that do work within our communities; things that contribute to making us universally well]
In the last revolutionary posting we came face-to-face with a series of uncomfortable clues pointing, potentially, to the notion that much of our society is deeply flawed, fractured, disordered, unsafe and hostile.
Yet before we become despondent and apathetic, can we remind ourselves that we are on a path to self-empowerment and self-determination. Awareness is but one stage in the process of change.
We don’t need to be actively invested (or emotionally and psychologically invested) in the dysfunctional elements of society. We don’t need to be part of the problem. Instead, we can concentrate our time and resources on the things that do work and have been shown to work time and time again on a personal level, on a relational stage, and on a universal platform. We can seek out the words, the ideas, the concepts, the seeds, the beginnings, the actuals, of what can work for us as a collection of citizens. And we can then hold onto these threads of wellness for all that we have.
Below is an incomplete list of words and terms that may constitute aspects of a healthy and functional society.
Harmony. Peace. Unconditional love. Support. Supportive learning. Non-violent, non-abusive, non-coercive relationships. Cohesion. Mutual aid. Cooperation. Power with (others). Power within (ourselves). Healing. Recovery. Progress. Equality. Freedom. Psychological & emotional wellness. Sharing. Caring. Empathy. Compassion. Respect. Authenticity. Meaning and purpose. Unity. Self-honesty. Clean-air. Fairness. Nurturing. Safety. Security. Calm. A sense of belonging. Satisfaction. Happiness. Contentment. Understanding. Person-centredness. Awareness. Attunement. Openness. Flexibility. Togetherness. Kind-heartedness. Transparency. Accountability. Listening. Agency. Structure. Order. Responsibility. Voluntary participation. Consent. Consensus. Consensus decision-making. Consensus agreement. Common sense. Common laws. Rehabilitation. Personal development/growth. Self-awareness. Self-care. Smallness. Knowledge. Experience. Tolerance. Encouragement. Thriving. Blooming. Flourishing. Humanity. Self-worth. Building bridges. Repairing ruptures. Collaboration. Creativity & expression. Imagination. Structure. Spontaneity. Fulfilment. Diversity. Multi-culturalism. Inclusivity. Hope. Change. Forgiveness. Meeting need.
It might be worth noting that none of the labels that we’re linking to the umbrella term ‘wellness’ contain or rely on any form of authoritarianism, leadership or hierarchy. Quite the opposite. While authority requires a level of cooperation to work, cooperation doesn’t require any authority in which to exist. What do you think?