Wellness Calendar: Wednesday 28 May

The polyvagal theory

The vagus nerve runs from the brain and face right down to the abdomen. As it has more than one thread and more than one function, it has been given the name polyvagal.

From the dorsal vagal comes the instruction to slow down or shut down, to freeze up, to immobilise oneself.

From the sympathetic nerve system comes the acute stress response to run away or fight back.

Both of these neural circuits are quite limited. They do not provide a platform for feeling safe and secure and they do not get to reach the higher levels of our brain, which have much more diversity and options available to us.

However, the ventral vagal has an entirely different function, and this forms the main part of this theory. This has the role of making social connections with those around us. This allows us to communicate with others, to form attachments, to be able to regulate ourselves and tap into a whole range of emotions and facial expressions.

If we had good, healthy bonds with our parents or care-givers in our early years, there’s every chance that these neural pathways are available to us and we can learn to soothe ourselves, reduce our heart rate, prevent ourselves from being over-flooded with adrenaline and read the intentions of others.

If we did not have good, heathy bonds, then much of the ventral vagal’s social engagement system will not be available to us. Not unless we learn how to reach out to others. Would you be prepared to learn, knowing how our wellness is tied up with our connections to others?

[This theory was developed by scientist Stephen Porges.]

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