Wellness Calendar: Wednesday 3 December

The third revolution

[Using our brain to good effect; the forefront of our mind; choices; responses; taking control, talking responsibility]

You have a reptilian brain that regulates your body without you having to think twice. You have a mammalian brain for emotions and memories; then comes something unlike any other: a superhuman brain with a thirst for learning, for finding solutions to problems, for fulfilling your potential and getting your needs met. With that in mind, rather than short-change ourselves, can we strive to get the most out of our amazing brain, the most out of our life?

We always have choices in how we respond to what’s going on around us. Even if something has happened that’s entirely out of our control, we still have a choice in how we react. And if not today, there’s always tomorrow and the next day and so on. The more we become aware of ourselves, our thoughts, feelings and bodily senses, the greater the number of choices we’ll have, with more windows of opportunity appearing that weren’t there before.

Linked to this is the notion that at any one given moment in time, even if only for a split-second, there’s always something in the forefront of our mind that pushes everything else into the background.

What we actively choose to bring to the foreground of our consciousness during our day-to-day lives will determine our well-being. Bluntly put, if we continuously avoid, ignore, deny or suppress, there’ll be zero prospect of growth. If we’re constantly looking the other way, we won’t see/feel/experience the bits that could shape and improve our life.

As Victor Frankl said, “Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”

This could be our third revolution: taking control over and taking responsibility for our life. This could be a transitional stage from being passive to being active and pro-active, from being reliant to becoming self-deterministic. We can create. We can initiate. We can inquire. We can explore and discover. We can navigate through unknown territories. We can support and challenge ourselves to become and to overcome.

We can do all of this with our amazing brain.
What would you like to do with your amazing brain?

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