Wellness Calendar: Sunday 30 November


Where might hope fit into our exploration of spirituality? Let’s have a look at some definitions around this subject.

Hope – a desire for something to happen; an expectation; confidence
Fear – threat of danger, harm, failure
Hopeful – having optimism about something in the future
Hopeless – a feeling brought about by despair
Hopelessness – no prospect of improvement
Shit-life syndrome – to be locked into a cycle of poverty, societal neglect or abandonment
Despair – a loss or absence of hope
Desperation – extreme behaviour brought about by despair
Optimism – confident of success, reasons to be cheerful
Pessimism – believing that the worst thing will happen, viewing the worst aspects of a situation
Faith – absolute trust in someone or something
Blind faith – having trust in something without evidence or with conflicting evidence

How important is hope to you in your day-to-day life? How fragile or sturdy is your hope? How important is it that your hopes can be realistically achieved? Or do you go for the impossible, forever daring to dream? Is fear the opposite of hope or would that be hopelessness, or can it be both? Where do your hopes lie among your needs, wants and fears? Can hope be spread out to others? Can hope be learned or managed (as in managing our expectations)?

This is the last entry in our November calendar. Might there be time for you to reflect on how you’ve responded to each of these entries? Are there any notions that you will take away with you?

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