Wellness Calendar: Wednesday 30 July

Me, myself and I

Faintly draw the outline of both of your hands. Along this outline write the things these hands have done over the years. If this fires you up, you may consider doing the same with your head, your arms, your legs, or the whole of your body.

Create a dual portrait: draw an outline of your face, then divide it down the middle. On one side, draw yourself as a light, loving person, then on the other side, delve into your dark, shadowy self.

Using either a 2D mask template or an actual 3D mask, can you experiment with what you project as yourself to the wider world (e.g., happiness/calm) and what you are really experiencing underneath the mask (e.g., frustration/terror, etc.)?

Draw yourself as an animal. Where do you live? Are you free or captive? Are you in the wild? In the city? In the mountains? Can you also draw a backdrop for yourself?

Draw different aspects of your personality that are all contained within you. For example, your inner child, your critical voice, your angry soul, your loving side, etc. (You might even want to explore the ones that don’t come out very often, but may be important all the same.)

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