Wellness Calendar: Tuesday 5 August

Bodily sensations

Bodily sensations definition: feelings or sensory experiences that affect parts of the body, such as temperature changes, itches, prickles, tickles, energy bursts or fatigue, aches or pains. Sometimes they are intense; sometimes we might barely notice them.

Is a bodily sensation a manifestation of an emotion? Is it connected to the cognitive side to us? Can these sensations be unique to the body without any obvious impact from our emotions or our thoughts? No one knows for sure, so we only truly have our own understanding and awareness to go on. One thing we can say is that these sensations are a great clue to how we are experiencing the world at any given moment in time.

Would it be useful for you to spend some time getting to know the messages that each part of your body might be giving out to you throughout your day-to-day life?
Would it be useful to map out how these sensations can be trigged within you? For example:

I get tears when…
I get butterflies in my stomach when …
The hair stands up on the back of my neck when…
A huge shot of adrenaline runs through me when…
I get prickly skin when…
I blush when…

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