Wellness Calendar: Sunday 6 July

Play: an activity where people participate in order to engage in the process rather than the outcome. Play can be structured or unstructured, recreational and/or educational. It involves simultaneous interactions that could take place on an intrapersonal and interpersonal level, as well as a cultural and environmental level.
Play may involve moments of spontaneity, imagination, risk, adventure, communication, fun, concentration, focus, meaning and purpose, just as it may involve moments that are the opposite of these words. Or, as is more likely to be the case, it may involve a dipping in and out of all of these and so much more.
Learning through play: to formally, consciously and purposefully learn more about yourself by being in a state of play, whether it’s a solo pursuit, with others, with or without tools.
How playful would you say you are and how playful are those around you?