Wellness Calendar: Sunday 8 June

Divide & rule vs. solidarity
The common enemy of the oppressed is always the same throughout time and space: the oppressors, the ruling classes, the people who have the power, the wealth, the land, the influence, and who have no desire to share it with anyone else. Not only have these people managed to dictate the terms of culture, education, media, economics, governance and justice in their favour for centuries, they also use the darker side of psychology to maintain their privilege: driving a wedge between those that oppose them, in order to weaken their unity and their resolve.
There are so many ways to stir up hostilities and in-fighting using whatever existing materials are at hand. Take your pick: titles. Honours. Age. Gender. Race. Creed. Class. Tribal politics. Referendums. Religions. Hierarchies. Leaders. Masters. Gods. Kings. Queens. Borders. Countries. Nationality. Flags. News outlets. Immigration. Wage differentials. Criminality. Victims. Perpetrators.
Yet the oppressed people living within a hostile environment are just as good at creating their own them-and-us divisions as the oppressors are. Given a small pot of resources to fight over, well-meaning single-issues end up competing in a life-long oppression Olympics. Here we see human rights pitted against women’s rights, black rights, gay rights, trans rights, etc., etc., etc.
Under one banner, these activists and sympathisers would be a strong force for change. As it is, they can be picked off one by one as the baton for flavour of the year passes from one minority cause to another.
What do you make of this idea? Do you see the world in terms of division, or do you have a different outlook?