Using Diagrams and Shapes

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Starting Up Your Own Self Detective Agency
Part 9 - Using Diagrams and Shapes

In this part of SD we will look at ways to use lines and circles, as well as graphs. We will give suggestions as to how you can work with them in the hope that you can tailor each of them to your own needs.

Using a single straight line

If you draw a straight line, you immediately get two points either side of a length. These points could be a start and a finish, as in a journey from A to B, or they could be a rating where A is low and B is high. Where you put an X would decide where you are on your particular journey, or your rating.
For example, where would you put your X if you wanted to show how much sleep you get, where A is lousy and B is plentiful? Or where is your X when it comes to showing how much closer you are to where you want to be?
A line can also represent a continuum.
A continuum is used to highlight two poles that are as far apart as they can be from each other. Every point in between these two poles is a gradual move away from one pole towards the other, so you can say that the middle of the line is the most neutral point.
Let’s take another example. As two extremes, let’s say that A represents decisiveness and B procrastination. Where would you put your X? Or let’s say that A is being comfortable with yourself, and B is being uncomfortable with who you are.

Using circles and pie charts

If you represent yourself as a circle, then you can start to break yourself down into smaller wedges that highlight any given proportion. Take the case study of Mary.
As a self-assessment, Mary drew herself as being made up of 60% thoughts, 30% feelings and 10% actions. When asked if she was happy with these proportions, she shook her head.
She then drew the proportions that she wanted to have: all of them as equal amounts.
If you attempt the same exercise as Mary, what would your circle(s) look like?

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