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Starting Up Your Own Self Detective Agency
Part 8 - Objects

Letting go of the things you don't want in your life and keeping the precious stuff
When you aren’t satisfied with an aspect of your life, sometimes a simple way to change it is to let go of it. To literally, or metaphorically, throw it in the bin.

This could be objects that have become clutter, or it could be thoughts, feelings or actions. It could also be some of your values and beliefs, which may have been useful to you at some point in your life but are now working against you. It could even be a person or a group of people.
If you can picture a bin in your mind, you can throw anything you want into it at any time in your life.

If it isn’t that straightforward to let something go – because, say, that something is a fixture in your life – then perhaps you can still use the bin to recognise that you want to spend as little time as possible with this thing/person.
On the flip side, what would you like to have close to you – for keeps? If something you have, want to have, or once had, is important to you, you may wish to put it into a treasure chest.
For example, people who are no longer alive, memories, or items that are precious to you.

My bin for letting go

1. Identify things that are not satisfactory to you in your life and you would like to get rid of.
2. Throw them in the bin.

My treasure chest for keeps

1. Identify things that are important to you in your life.
2. Put them in your treasure chest.

The cards we are dealt in life

The playing cards you are dealt at the beginning of a game will often determine how well you do in that game. Generally, ‘high’ cards like kings, queens and jacks put you in a strong position, whereas ‘low’ cards such as 2, 3 or 4 are seen as a bad hand.
Yet there are so many card games where different cards and suits mean different things.
Aces are sometimes high or sometimes low.
Spades are sometimes ‘trumps’, meaning that any spade will be higher than any card from another suit.
Jokers can sometimes be used as ‘wild’ cards, which means that they can be whatever you want them to be.

The cards you were dealt at birth

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