Preparing Your Own SD Toolkit

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Starting Up Your Own Self Detective Agency
Part 2 - Preparing Your Own SD Toolkit

The resources within Self Detective are vast and plentiful. With this in mind it may be useful to decide which tools are going to be important to you.

Below is an A-Z list of things that may be worth considering:

a. Time

This is about quality time: time away from distractions or any other mental demands (such as work, parenting, caring for others, house duties). Think about this point for a moment. If you are unable or unwilling to spend at least one hour a week devoted to your own personal development, is it really going to work?

b. Space

Space away from distractions. Head-space. Space to keep your tools in. Space to keep your work in.

c. Money

Working on yourself can be free. However, being realistic, from pens and paper to printing, books, workshops and courses, it can add up financially.

d. Our brain for thoughts

Not just for logical, rational thoughts, but for a whole raft of different ways of thinking that can aid, as well challenge, your current thought pathways.

e. Our heart for emotions

Emotions are a useful tool for working out how you are feeling at any moment in time. Sometimes suppressed, historical feelings can intensify, distort and confuse our day to day feelings. However, if you take the time to understand your emotions, they can guide you throughout your life.

f. Bodily sensations…

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