Unmet Need

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Process of Change
Part 1 - Unmet Need

One of the biggest causes of frustration and distress within us is the needs we have that go unattended.

For example:
Needing to say something important but not being able to get the words out.
Needing to get the things you want in life but not being able to make a start.
Needing love but not being able to reach out and receive that love.
Needing to do things but never having the time to do them.
Our needs could be anything and everything. They could be physical, emotional, mental, intellectual, structural, sensory, biological, environmental, social, sexual. Or they could be about stimulation, excitement, creativity, stability, etc.
We now invite you to take the time to make a list of your own needs that are not being met.
My list of unmet needs:

The foreground and the background

What do you see? Two faces? Or a vase? You cannot focus on both of them at the same time, so whichever one you are looking at (at any moment in time) could be considered the foreground, while the other is in the background.

Bringing things to the fore

In your life, how do you decide (or prioritise) what comes to the fore and what remains in the background? Is it whatever is most relevant to you at any given moment? Or is it the most purposeful thing? Or is it the most dominating feature in your life?

Needing – Choosing – Acting

Following on from unmet needs and the notion of a foreground and a background, can we make a link between becoming aware of our needs, to then choosing to bring them to the fore, to then acting upon them?
“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”

Viktor Frankl
Even when people have limited choices – because they are financially constrained, or they are oppressed, or they have had their liberty taken away – they can still decide how to respond to their situation.


It’s your choice how you frame yourself within the world. For example, are you a passive victim or are you actively seeking control?

Of all the things you resent having to do, are you aware of the consequences of not doing them?

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