Process work

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Process of Change
Part 4 - Process work

If we apply the idea of a process to our own lives, what kind of images or metaphors are conjured up in your mind’s eye? Do you picture a factory line? Do you think of a journey of getting from A to B to C? Or maybe you see a whole series of arrows going off in all sorts of directions, each with a different heading?

Alternatively, is your self-detective work more about the process of writing down stages that you need to go through in order to get to the bottom of yourself and your problems?

See overleaf for some examples of these. If you find them useful as a guide and as a structure, you may wish to start to record information in each of their sections.

The process of a self-detective investigation

My Self Detective notebook
1. Define the problem/issue.
2. Research around the problem/issue.
3. Create a framework for your investigation.
4. Interview yourself and others.
5. Look for clues.
6. Make recommendations to yourself.
7. Undertake the necessary changes.
8. Reflect on the process.
9. Close the case.

Lippitt’s phase of change

(Created by American psychologist Ronald Lippitt in 1958)

My phases of change
1. Work out what the problem is.

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