If you wish to take a break from the endless thought-traffic generated by a noisy brain, having your own mantra may be a useful tool for you.
A mantra, for SD purposes, is a nonsensical word or series of words that form a phrase that can either be spoken aloud or inside the head, over and over again, in order to bring about peace and tranquillity.
A suggestion to begin with is to practise this for 5 minutes in the morning and 5 minutes at night, as well as to use it on an as-and-when basis.
If you are stuck for a mantra, you would be welcome to pick one of these (providing the words/phrases don’t have any meaning for you that will distract you in any way):
Chu Ku Ley Mar | Jem Nay Seer Fah |
Sumja Bey Um | Lum Suu Kin Boo |
Pel Naa Seylah | Sil Hah Joa Vey |
Bu Ray Zim Tah | Chay Woo Baydah |
Otherwise, you could always ask someone to come up with a mantra for you, or you could create your own one. Alternatively, you could look into the mantras from yoga, Hinduism, Sikhism and Buddhism, starting with the sacred sound of