Wellness Calendar: Wednesday 13 August

Pushing back on decrepitude
Decrepitude. What a word. Just saying it can give some people the shivers. Here are a few notions of what it means: being in a bad condition. Out of shape. Not being cared for. Not being used very much.
Does this describe any aspects of your body and mind? Do you buy into the idea that if you don’t use something you’ll end up losing it? If so, as you get older it might be useful to make decisions on what areas of ourselves you value and wish to maintain and spend more time on.
Here’s another word: plasticity (or indeed neuroplasticity). This is the ability for our brain to actively adapt and change through stimulation, through creating new neurons, new networks in which to keep the mind and body ticking over. This is what is going to help us push back against decrepitude.
Here are some questions that you might find useful to ask yourself on this theme…
When you travel, do you stick to the same patterns, same roads, or do you mix it up and encounter new experiences? Are you currently learning anything new? When you sit down of an evening, are you likely to stand up again? Does your daily/weekly routine allow a range of your muscles to get a good exercise, a good run-out?
How often do you get your heart pumping?
No doubt there will be even more searching questions you can ask yourself on this subject, which we hope you ask and answer in a warm, friendly, self-caring way.
NB. There’s a book that explores this in more detail called Younger Next Year by Crowley and Lodge.