Wellness Calendar: Wednesday 23 April

Periodic table

“The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed.” - Carl Jung

A periodic table is an arrangement of chemical elements placed in different rows and columns depending on their similarities and differences.

Some of these elements are solids, some liquids and some gases. Some are radioactive, flammable, volatile, capable of exploding at any moment. Some are dull, stable, inflammable, heavy. Some are colourless and odourless, while others are bright and pungent. Some bond together, some oxidise, some vaporise, some don’t. Some are imitations of the real thing. Some are really hard. Some are mushy. Some are tough. Some are deadly.

If you were to apply these elements to the characteristics of the people in your life (past and present), do any of these sound familiar? What might happen when you put these elements/people together?

Some chemical reactions are incredibly beautiful and create something beautiful. Some are beautiful but produce something less appealing. Some reactions are scary, yet they produce something of wonder. Some reactions happen over a long period of time, while others are over in flash.

If magnesium and oxygen combine, there’s a great bright light for a short time – and then nothing. Sodium acetate can remain a liquid despite cold temperatures. If it’s poured out onto a surface, it will form ice crystals that are hot. When you set fire to lithium, it changes its shape to resemble coral. Magnets attract iron compounds, which will follow the magnet as long as it stays close to them.

Do any of these ring a bell with you?

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