Wellness Calendar: Wednesday 23 July

The definition of resonance is when the vibrations of one external force cause another to move in a rhythmic way. This is more likely to happen if the two forces share a similar, natural frequency.
Finding types of music and sound that match our own vibrations – that can resonate with us at an atomic level – is of real importance to our well-being. Similarly, cutting out music and sounds that are unpleasant, upsetting, clashing and disharmonious (otherwise known as dissonance) can also be of great benefit to us.
Listening to music has all sorts of therapeutic benefits. It reduces stress and anxiety levels. It can improve your mood, your heart rate and your blood pressure. Music helps to develop cognitive skills such as attention and memory. It can also give you a sense of control, by providing you with a sense of the familiar and a grounding in reality when you feel disconnected. It also influences your metabolism, sleep and respiration, and helps reduce fatigue.
Q: How do we know which sounds make us well and which make us ill?
A: Perhaps we explore and experiment. We go on a journey of discovery. We look for clues. We start with what we already know.
Resonance exercises
1. Using only yourself and your own body, find ways of making sounds that resonate with you.
2. Using items from your own home, find ways of making sounds that you like.
3. Take a walk in your neighbourhood, listening out for sounds that resonate with you.
4. When you are away from your natural habitat, listen out for new sounds that you may like.
5. If you do find sounds that you like, make a note of them (or record them) so that you can produce or hear the sound whenever you need to.