Wellness Calendar: Monday 25 August

Guided meditation

Do you find it hard to focus on anything for any sustained period of time? Does your mind frequently wander off from the task at hand? If so, you may consider introducing some guided meditation into your life. Here your attention can be channelled through another person’s voice or someone else’s words, written on a page. There are plenty of examples online. Some of them may lead you on a guided walk in an imaginary location that allows you to close your eyes and visualise yourself within this place. Others may focus on parts of your body. The exercise below, which you can do either in your head or by writing words on a piece of paper, is designed to help you get a snapshot of where you are at the very moment you engage with it. There are no right or wrong responses to the missing gaps. And if nothing comes to mind for any of them, just move on to the next one.

I am…
I hear…
I see…
I want to…
I laugh when I…
I am…
I feel…
I touch…
I cry…
I worry…
I am…
I understand…
I say…
I dream…
I try…
I hope…
I am…

And breathe. And reflect. Did you learn anything about yourself while doing this exercise? Did you experience any bodily sensations? Would it be useful to do this exercise from time to time if you got something out of it?

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