Wellness Calendar: Sunday 27 July

Random story kick-starters

Negative capacity: this is the ability of a person – in the throes of being creative and expressive –to go to dark places that are uncertain and uncomfortable, mysterious and doubtful; places that are outside and beyond their own rationality and understanding. The term was coined by the romantic poet John Keats. How dark do you want you go?

Narrative transportation theory: the ability to enter the world of a story by being engaged and empathetic towards the characters and the plot – the act of losing yourself in the story through being engrossed in it. How far are you willing to travel?

Myths, legends & folklore: collections of stories that have been passed down through the ages to help bond communities together with a blend of historic and fantastical characters, events and feats. How might you use what already exists as the backbone for your own imagination to thrive?

Bibliotherapy promotes healing and recovery through text. Its origins in the modern era stem from the growth of libraries in hospitals and psychiatric units, where books were found to have a restorative quality to the patients.

The idea behind the remedy is simple enough. If you are struggling with, say, grief or identity issues, there will be books out there that will comfort you, challenge you, and ultimately allow you to move forward, having made sense of what happened.

Q: Can you think of a story that you strongly identify with?
Q: Is there a particular character from a story who you strongly identify with?
Q: Can you think of a story that helped you through a tough time in your life?
Q: What was it about the story/character that engaged you?

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