Wellness Calendar: Monday 28 July

Mini art projects
Here are some little art projects for you to consider…
If you were an octopus, what could your 8 tentacles be doing – all at the same time?
Jacob’s ladder goes all the way up to heaven. Jack’s beanstalk goes to the land of giants. Captain Nemo’s Nautilus goes 20,000 leagues under the sea. Will and Lyra use a subtle knife to carve their way through different worlds. Where might you go if you had a chance? How might you get there? What is your motivation for going there?
Using one brick (or stone) at a time, draw a building of some kind, something that only becomes apparent towards the end of the build.
Draw waves in a dark night sky.
Draw mountains on a bright clear morning.
Draw a maze, and populate it with people – including yourself.
Draw 10 stick people engaging in an occupation of some sort.
Can you draw a forest and then fill it with all your fears?
Can you draw a meadow and then fill it with all your hopes?