Wellness Calendar: Monday 28 April

Relationship ingredients
Imagine you have two separate shelves in your kitchen.
One shelf has ingredients that will make for a good relationship, while the other is full of bad stuff for bad relationships.
As yet, none of these vessels have a label or a title to say what they are. Could you put a name to the ingredients that, in your opinion, would make for good and bad relationships? Below are some examples of such labels.
Examples of labels for good relationship ingredients:
Honesty. Sharing. Cooperation. Similarities. Companionship. Compatibility. Friendship. Caring. Trust. Respect. Shared interests. Love.
Examples of bad relationship ingredients:
Emotional blackmail. Domineering. Controlling. Unequal. Hatred. Possessive. Jealous. Blaming. Shaming. Intolerance. Violence & abuse. Mistrust.