Wellness Calendar: Wednesday 29 October

It’s a rare person who doesn’t benefit from a good spring-clean of their internal world. Just as a car has an MOT and a company has a financial audit, so we can take stock once in a while of what’s useful to us and what’s working against us. Alternatively, we can keep a part of our brain on the look-out for stuff that we can discard – stuff that’s unhealthy for us (people, food, ideas, values and beliefs, etc.), stuff that’s outdated and surplus to requirements, and stuff that’s lost its appeal.
You might think, why bother unlearning when the new things you learn replace the old anyway? Well, this may be true, but old/toxic/unhelpful stuff can also get in the way of the new/healthy/helpful stuff. Plus, the last thing you want is to end up with two competing or conflicting parts of you.