Wellness Calendar: Sunday 29 June


How invested are you in your community?

On one level this might seem like a pretty obvious question – since maybe you’ve managed to create a nice little world for yourself where you stay in touch with friends and family, you talk to people on the street, maybe you even pick up litter or help out an elderly neighbour once in a while. Or maybe you don’t.

Yet on another level, a higher societal level, let’s see where you stand.

Are you a wage slave? Have you set up a business where you enslave other people? If you give, give, give to society, do you get a chance to take anything in return? Conversely, if you generally take, take, take, do you find an opportunity to give back?
Do you have a say in the running of your community? Or do you let other people get on with that sort of thing? Are you accepted in the community for who you are, or not as the case may be? Generally speaking, do you like or dislike people? Do you have time to think? Do you struggle with life? Or is it a breeze? Within a competitive set-up, are you a winner or a loser? Both? Or neither?

Once again, we invite you to ask yourself: how invested am I in my community?

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