Wellness Calendar: Sunday 3 August

Circadian rhythms

All of the atoms in the world are vibrating. This includes the atoms within us, the atoms in the air we breathe and the atoms in everything we touch. Each of these clusters of atoms is vibrating in different ways, at different frequencies and to different rhythms, according to the shape and structure of the mass at hand, be it a lung, a knee or a finger.

Circadian rhythms are any processes within the body that go through a regular phase, be it a 24-hour cycle, a monthly cycle or a seasonal one. These rhythms are kept in check by an internal clock with the aim of keeping us fit and healthy.

Examples of these rhythms can be found in the way our bodies respond to light and dark, sleep and wakefulness, menstruation, temperature, humidity and production of hormones, among other tasks.

Understanding the rhythm of our bodies can be useful in understanding just how much sleep we need (and when), as well as working out what times of the day we are most/least coordinated, most/least alert, most/least likely to need the loo, etc., etc.

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