Wellness Calendar: Saturday 30 August

Picture the scene: Thanks to its alarm system going into full flight, a zebra has managed to escape the unwanted attention of a predatory lion. Yet before it can collapse and rest its exhausted body there is one outstanding task: the zebra needs to quiver. Through this action the stress hormones adrenalin and cortisol, currently trapped within the body at a cellular level, can be released. This action ensures that episodic moments of stress do not become toxic and chronic.
As humans we can do the same whenever our alarm system is triggered. The techincal name for quivering is Tension Release Exercises (TRE), as developed by Dr. David Berceli. There are plenty of YouTube videos on this theme to check out, which involve placing the body into positions that allow muscles to quiver, shake, tremble and vibrate and let go of stresses and calm down our nervous system.
Is this something you might consider?
If you are interested in this theme, you may wish to seek out the book ‘Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers’ by Robert Sapolsky.