Wellness Calendar: Thursday 6 February


Knowing how important sleep is for our wellness, can you ensure that you get as much slumber as you need, rather than leaving it to chance? Alternatively, if you’re struggling to get a decent amount of sleep, can you prioritise sleep above almost anything else, and treat the pursuit of a good, regular kip as a job in its own right? This might require new tools, learning new skills, practice, trial and error, etc., etc.

Here are some adjustments that other people have made to help them get more precious snooze time: (i) Develop a pleasant and unhurried pre-sleep routine. (ii) Go through each of the senses and see if they can be cajoled into relaxing by giving them something that they might need: a certain smell, touch, taste, sight, sound, balance, motion, temperature. (iii) Work out what’s blocking you from making the transition between being awake and being sleep (iv) Work out what part of your brain needs switching off or distracting.

Unless you actively explore sleep, you may never know how many improvements you can make. Here’s a question you might want to ask yourself:

How well do I know my body’s needs around sleep?

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