Wellness Calendar: Friday 7 February

My recovery bag

When you go out into the world, do you take a bag with you? If you do, what’s in it? Does it contain items that you think might be useful to you – if and when you need them?

The notion of carrying a ‘recovery bag’ around with you is to help keep you safe and to help you de-stress when a situation arises, with or without warning.

What you put in this bag is entirely up to you and depends on where you’re going and what you expect to encounter.

Here’s a basic list of some of the things that other people have shared with us: Bottle of water. Phone. Mints. Ear plugs. Headphones. Worry doll. Book. Tissues. Chocolates. Audio (music, stories, podcasts, etc.). Spare clothing. Drawing pad. Pens. Pencils. Balm. Lotion.

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