Wellness Calendar: Tuesday 6 May

Mental states

Here is an incomplete list of mind-sets. This includes brain activity that may last for a second, a minute, an hour, a day, a week, a month or year upon year.

Knowledge: A state of having information at the forefront of our brain.
Attitude: This includes beliefs and opinions.
Restlessness: A state of alertness that may include a sense of anxiety or boredom.
Distress: A state of psychological suffering that may exist on its own or be part of a wider health issue, be it physical, emotional or otherwise.
Restfulness/mindfulness: A sense of calm and inner peace, coupled with an awareness of being in the present moment.
Sensing: For example, a sense of dread while waiting for blood tests or a sense of wonderment when looking at a sunset.
Fantasy: An ability to imagine or create something within your mind that is impossible or improbable; day-dream; make-believe.
Focus: Intent engagement in something that requires your full concentration.
Perception: How you interpret things that go on within your world; having insight.
Remembering: Bringing stored memories to the fore.
Organising: Planning, preparing, arranging; getting things ready in your mind, so that something may happen.
Stress/tension: Being over-burdened or out of control, or of having unwanted pressure.
Confidence: A recognition and appreciation of one’s own abilities.
Attachment: A sense of being connected to someone or something.
Detachment: A recognition of not being connected to someone or something; a sense of separateness.
Delusion: Having an unreal and non-rational thought process.
Hopefulness: Optimism about the future.
Fearfulness: A sense of impending harm or danger.
Anxiety: Having an elongated concern or worry that cannot be easily shaken.
Love: A sense of goodwill and affection to yourself and/or to others;
Depression: Despondent and subdued, lacking in energy and motivation.
Arousal: An intention to do something; stirring an energy; an excitement.
Satisfaction: This can include a sense of happiness, pleasure, contentment and cheer.
Confusion: Uncertain and unclear as to what is happening; puzzled; fuzzy; brain fog.
Desire: Wanting or wishing something to happen.

Is there anything you can take away from this list?

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