Wellness Calendar: Wednesday 7 May

Flatlining attitudinals

“The first revolution is when you change your mind about how you look at things.”
Gil Scott Heron

Some people make life very hard for themselves by restricting the quality of their everyday experiences due to a negative or flat outlook. Might you be one of these people? Do you have a bad attitude? Does your approach to life get in the way of your well-being? Are you stuck in a rut of unhelpful thoughts and thinking? Is your mind-set switched to glass-half-empty mode?

There again, unless it was really obvious, how would you know that your attitudinals were a bit wonky? How many people in the world are merely flatlining their way through life, with barely a pulse, with barely a hint of excitement – as opposed to the people who have come to know the full highs and lows of existence through their own ups and down, tumults and exaltations, loves and losses?

A solution to this (potential) problem could be to people-watch. To see other people’s attitudinals in action. To see how they interpret, perceive, judge. To see if they have permissions as opposed to injunctions. To see if they are liberated, not hindered, by their own values, beliefs and standards.

If you are drawn to a real person or a fictional character, what is it about their outlook on life that piques your interest? Can you spend more time with them? Can you use them as a role model? Can you use these people to help you experiment with your own attitude(s)?

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