Wellness Calendar: Saturday 8 February

Checking in with yourself

How often do you check in with yourself to see if you’re relaxed or tensed up? How often do you check your breathing to see that it’s nice and regulated or, say, a little bit shallow? At what point do you usually spot that you’re coming down with something, and then act accordingly? Pretty early on? Or does someone have to point it out: “sounds like you’ve got a cold”?

Checking in with yourself can take mere seconds, yet you’ll be rewarded with the ability to react and respond swiftly rather than merely leaving things until they’re obvious (and maybe too late).

Some people make proactive checklists (actual or mental) to use when the need arises – to avoid drinking too much on a night out with friends, say, or planning how to manage a potentially stressful work event, or looking after their knee following an operation.

Do you or can you check in with yourself from time to time?
Can you devise your own checklist – one that’s unique to you and your own needs?

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